Jamshidian's trick

Jamshidian's trick is a technique for one-factor asset price models, which re-expresses an option on a portfolio of assets as a portfolio of options. It was developed by Farshid Jamshidian in 1989.

The trick relies on the following simple, but very useful mathematical observation. Consider a sequence of monotone (increasing) functions, f_i of one real variable (which map onto [0,\infty)), a random variable W, and a constant K\ge0.

Since the function \sum_i f_i is increasing and also maps onto [0,\infty), there is a unique solution w\in\mathbb{R} to the equation \sum_i f_i(w)=K.

Since the functions f_i are increasing,

\left(\sum_i f_i(W)-K\right)_%2B & = \left(\sum_i (f_i(W)-f_i(w))\right)_%2B \\[8pt]
& = \sum_i (f_i(W)-f_i(w))1_{\{W\ge w\}} = \sum_i(f_i(W)-f_i(w))_%2B.

In financial applications, each of the random variables f_i(W) represents an asset value, the number K is the strike of the option on the portfolio of assets. We can therefore express the payoff of an option on a portfolio of assets in terms of a portfolio of options on the individual assets f_i(W) with corresponding strikes f_i(w).

